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1 min read
What is Colorectal Cancer?---By: Katie Wang
Colorectal cancer, according to, is a type of cancer that grows into nearby tissues and destroys it. It is the third most...
3 min read
What is Colorectal Cancer---Pinky Chang
Colorectal Cancer Introduction Colorectal cancer is a type of cancer that starts in the colon or rectum, which is a part of the digestive...

1 min read
What is Pancreatic Cancer?---By: Mikaella Martinez
What is Pancreatic Cancer? Pancreatic cancer is a type of cancer that begins with the growth of cells that duplicate within the...
1 min read
Coping Strategies---By: Fatima Khan
Emotional and Psychological Support Seeking professional support from psychologists or counsellors can be pivotal in helping patients...

1 min read
Emotional Challenges Faced by Cancer Patients---By: Fatima Khan
Being diagnosed with cancer is a life-altering experience that brings significant emotional challenges. Many patients face intense...
1 min read
Importance of Professional Support---Fatima Khan
The involvement of healthcare professionals trained in psycho-oncology is essential for cancer patients. These professionals can tailor...
2 min read
The Impact of GI Cancer in the Underserved Community---By: Shreeveda Govula
Gastrointestinal (GI) cancer presents unique challenges to underserved communities, where disparities in healthcare access, socioeconomic...
2 min read
The Role of Nutrition in GI Cancer Recovery---By: Shreeveda Govula
Proper nutrition is a vital component in the recovery process for patients with gastrointestinal (GI) cancers, playing a key role in...

2 min read
Coping with the Psychological Impact of a Cancer Diagnosis---Shreeveda Govula
A cancer diagnosis can significantly affect a person’s emotional well-being, often triggering psychological challenges such as anxiety,...
1 min read
The importance of GI cancer screening---Yiling Zhang
GI cancer screening is essential because it helps detect cancer early before symptoms appear. Early detection of GI cancer can also lead...

1 min read
Mongolia has one of the highest rates of GI cancer in the world---By: Yilin Zhang
Mongolia has one of the highest rates of GI cancer in the world. In 2020, an estimated 32.5 new cases were found in every 100,000...

1 min read
Role of Nutrient in GI cancer recovery---By: Yilin Zhang
P roper nutrients can significantly support GI cancer recovery. Many GI cancer patients experience weight loss because of the inability...
1 min read
The Impact of GI Cancer in the Underserved Community---By: Yilin Zhang
When Allie Bertocchini was diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 41 in 2019, the fear of the future also approached her. The fear...
1 min read
One minutes read: Mide Kanseri---Hanson Akbas
Mide Kanseri Mide kanseri, midenin iç yüzeyinde gelişen bir kanser türüdür. Belirtiler arasında karın ağrısı, bulantı ve kilo kaybı...
1 min read
Un Minuto di Lettura: Cancro della Vescica---By: Addison
Il cancro della vescica si verifica quando le cellule della vescica urinaria crescono in modo anomalo. I sintomi includono sanguinamento...
1 min read
One Minutes Read: Bauchspeicheldrüsenkrebs---By: Addision
Bauchspeicheldrüsenkrebs ist eine aggressive Form von Krebs, die oft erst in einem späten Stadium diagnostiziert wird. Symptome können...
1 min read
Cancer du Foie---By: Clarice Xu
Une Minute de Lecture! Le cancer du foie est un type de cancer qui se développe dans les cellules du foie. Les symptômes incluent des...
1 min read
Cáncer de Hígado---Blake R.
Un Minuto de Lectura El cáncer de hígado, también conocido como carcinoma hepatocelular, se origina en las células del hígado. Los...
2 min read
GIST---By: Cynthia Zhou
胃肠道间质瘤(GIST)是一种起源于胃肠道间质细胞的恶性肿瘤,是一种始发于消化系统的癌症。GIST主要发生在胃和小肠,但也可以出现在食道、大肠或直肠等其他消化道部位。 病因及发病机制 胃肠道间质瘤的确切病因尚不完全明确,但研究表明,GIST与KIT基因或PDGFRA基因的突...
1 min read
One Minute Read: Intestinal Polyps and Cancer Risk---By: Sarah Kim
Intestinal polyps are growths in the lining of the colon or rectum that can develop into colorectal cancer if left untreated. Most polyps...
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