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5 min read
Small Intestine Cancer --- By: Veronika Kozyakova
This essay talks about small intestine cancer, which is a rare type of cancer affecting a part of the body called the small intestine....
4 min read
Esophageal Cancer --- By: Veronika Kozyakova
Esophageal cancer is a disease that occurs in the esophagus, which is the tube that carries food and drinks from the mouth to the...
3 min read
Neuroendocrine Tumors --- By: Veronika Kozyakova
Neuroendocrine tumors (NETs) are unusual types of tumors that can grow in different parts of the body. These tumors develop from cells in...
5 min read
Gallbladder Cancer --- By: Veronika Kozyakova
Gallbladder cancer is a rare type of cancer, but it can be very dangerous. This essay will explain what gallbladder cancer is, how it...
5 min read
Bile-Duct Cancer --- Veronika Kozyakova
Bile-duct cancer, also known as cholangiocarcinoma, is a serious type of cancer that affects the bile ducts in the body. The bile ducts...

1 min read
Cancer ContentPancreatic CancerLuminary Hope Squad --- By: Mikaella Martinez
What is Pancreatic Cancer? Pancreatic cancer is a type of cancer that begins with the growth of cells that duplicate within the...

3 min read
Colorectal cancer --- By: Pinky Chang
Colorectal cancer is a type of cancer that begins in the colon or rectum, which are parts of the digestive system. It is one of the most...

2 min read
Social Support for Cancer Survivors: Rebuilding Connections --- By: Clarice Xu
Cancer survivors often experience significant changes in their social lives after treatment. They may feel isolated due to the physical...
2 min read
Physical Support for Cancer Survivors: Helping Them Heal --- By: Clarice Xu
Physical Support for Cancer Survivors: Helping Them Heal The physical effects of cancer and its treatments can last long after remission....

2 min read
How to Provide Emotional Support for Cancer Survivors --- By: Clarice Xu
How to Provide Emotional Support for Cancer Survivors Cancer survivors often experience emotional challenges that can last long after...

2 min read
Post-Cancer Survivorship: The Unseen Struggles --- By: Clarice Xu
For cancer survivors, the aftermath of their treatment often involves navigating a series of emotional and physical challenges that may...
2 min read
The Physical and Psychological Effects on Cancer Survivors --- By: Clarice Xu
Surviving cancer is a tremendous achievement, but it also comes with its share of physical and psychological challenges that can last...
2 min read
The Lingering Emotional Impact of Surviving Cancer --- Clarice Xu
For many cancer survivors, the physical battle with the disease may end, but the emotional scars can persist long after remission. The...
1 min read
腸道微生物與腸癌的關聯 --- By: Nicole Liu
1 min read
胃食管反流與食道癌 --- By: Nicole Liu
1 min read
消化系統癌症與遺傳因素 --- By: Nicole Liu
許多消化系統癌症具有遺傳傾向。家庭中有消化系統癌症患者的人群,其患病風險較高。胃癌、結腸癌、食道癌等癌症的遺傳背景已經在多項研究中得到證實。基因突變(如APC基因突變)會增加患癌的機會,並且這些突變可能會在家族中遺傳。 對於有家族癌症病史的人群,進行遺傳篩查可以早期發現癌症...
1 min read
消化系統癌症的心理影響 --- Nicole Liu
消化系統癌症的診斷和治療對患者的心理健康產生重大影響。許多患者在面對癌症時會經歷情緒低落、焦慮、恐懼等心理反應,這些情緒困擾可能會影響治療效果並降低生活品質。特別是對於晚期癌症患者,心理支持和輔導顯得尤為重要。 因此,除了傳統的治療方法外,許多醫療機構也積極提供心理輔導服務
4 min read
Navigating the Multifaceted Landscape of Treatment Options for GI Cancer Patients --- Angela Zhang
Gastrointestinal (GI) cancer includes a variety of cancers that affect the digestive system, such as those of the esophagus, stomach,...
2 min read
How Does Gut Health Impact Cancer Recovery Paths? --- Angela Zhang
Gut health is more important than ever, especially for those recovering from cancer. A healthy gut is home to trillions of microorganisms...
4 min read
Exploring the Gut-Microbiome's Impact on Cancer Recovery --- By: Angela Zhang
The gut-microbiome has gained recognition as a key player in health, especially for individuals recovering from cancer. Recent research...
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