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3 min read
Revealing The Global Landscape of Gastric Cancer--Patricia
Gastric cancer, or stomach cancer, occurs when abnormal cells grow in the stomach. It can develop anywhere in this organ. Knowing the...
1 min read
The Statistic of Liver Cancer--- By: Yiling Zhang
Intro: Liver cancer, also known as hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), is when tumor cells begin to grow out of control and eventually take...
2 min read
Statistic of Liver Cancer---Shreeveda Govula
Intro: Liver cancer, also known as hepatic cancer, begins in the liver, performs vital functions such as metabolizing drugs, detoxifying...
2 min read
Small Intestine Cancer---Pingyi Chang
Introduction The small intestine is the portion of the digestive system that is in charge of breaking down and absorbing nutrients. Small...
2 min read
Symptoms and risk factor of liver cancer--- By: Sarah Veeraraj
What is liver cancer? Liver cancer is a type of cancer developed in the cells of your liver. The liver is a football sized organ that...
2 min read
Symptoms and Risks factor of Rectal Cancer---Sheeveda Govula
What is Rectal Cancer? Rectal Cancer is a type of cancer that occurs in the rectum, the last six inches of the large intestine. While...
2 min read
Understanding Colon Cancer: Symptoms and Risk Factors---Patricia Tan
Understanding Colon Cancer: Symptoms and Risk Factors Did you know that colon cancer is one of the most common cancers in the United...
2 min read
Symptoms&Risk factor of gallbladder cancer---By: Fatima Saeed Khan
Understanding Gallbladder Cancer Gallbladder cancer is a rare malignancy that starts in the gallbladder, an organ located under the liver...

1 min read
Cause and risks factor of Gastric Cancer---By: Chloe Hwang
위암에 대한 이해와 예방 위암은 여러 요인으로 인해 발생할 수 있습니다. 주요 위험 요인 중 하나는 헬리코박터 파일로리(H. pylori)라는 세균 감염입니다. 이 세균은 위 점막에 염증을 일으켜 시간이 지남에 따라 위암 발생 위험을 높입니다....

2 min read
Stomach Cancer Remains a Risk for Many People---By: Rebecca Rey
Le cancer de l'estomac est encore un risque pour beaucoup de personnes Le cancer de l'estomac n'est pas aussi médiatisé que d'autres...

1 min read
Statistics about stomach cancer (GI Cancer) ---By: Chloe Hwang
Stomach Cancer Trends Over Time In the United States, the number of new stomach cancer cases has been decreasing by about 1.5% annually...

2 min read
Intro to Gastrointestinal Cancer---By: Chloe Hwang
Gastrointestinal (GI) cancer includes cancers in the digestive tract organs, such as the stomach, large and small intestines, pancreas,...

1 min read
Four ideas to promote cancer awareness in the workplace---By: Chloe Hwang
Wear the Ribbon: Encourage everyone in the office to wear colored ribbons symbolizing different types of cancer to raise awareness....

1 min read
Common chemotherapy drugs used for cancer patients---By: Chloe Hwang
화학 요법 약물들은 의사들이 처방할 수 있는 수십 가지가 있습니다. 이들은 주로 작용 방식과 구성 성분에 따라 그룹으로 나누어집니다. 각각의 약물 그룹은 다양한 방식으로 암 세포를 파괴하거나 축소시킵니다. 일부 약물들은 암 세포의 DNA를...

3 min read
化学療法について知っておくべき9つのこと---By: Alicia Yanagi
化学療法について知っておくべき10のこと 初めて化学療法を受けることになりましたか? もしあなたがこの一般的ながん治療に新しく取り組むなら、化学療法がどのように機能するか、髪の毛が抜けるかどうか、化学療法が痛いかなど、さまざまな疑問があるかもしれません。...

2 min read
化学療法の目的について---By: Alicia Yanagi
癌の治療における化学療法には異なる目的があります。医師たちは以下の種類の化学療法を区別しています。 治癒目的の化学療法:治癒目的の化学療法は、体内のすべての癌細胞を排除し、癌を完全に消滅させることを目指します。 補助化学療法:補助化学療法は主に手術後に体内に残っているかもし...

2 min read
金伯利·S·里德的故事:强大的精神 — 在癌症诊断、治疗及其后保持积极心态--By:Lucy Zhu
2012年,金伯利·S·里德(Kimberly S. Reed)面对一系列毁灭性的个人挑战。她深爱的母亲于2012年7月31日凌晨12点13分因白血病去世,这一重大丧失让金伯利的世界陷入黑暗。这场深切的失落让她的心彻底破碎成无数片。随后不久,她深爱的外婆也离世了。在短短三个...

1 min read
癌症引发的心理障碍包括哪些内容?--- Xuechen Han
心理因素对癌症结果产生重大影响。通过多项研究,已揭示了心理因素在该疾病各个方面的影响。针对免疫细胞癌的调查特别指出,多种心理因素被确认为预测生存期缩短的因素。 抑郁状态是影响癌症预后的显著心理因素之一。经历抑郁症状的个体通常显示出免疫功能变化和炎症反应增加的特征,这可能对抗...

1 min read
Nutrition guidelines for liver cancer--By: McKenzie Li
1 min read
Treatment of Liver Cancer---By: McKenzie Li
治療肝癌的方法包括: 肝癌手術 肝癌消融治療 肝癌栓塞治療 肝癌放療 肝癌靶向藥物治療 肝癌免疫治療 肝癌化療 在制定治療計劃時,重要的考慮因素包括肝癌的分期(擴展程度)和肝臟的健康狀況。您和您的癌症治療團隊還需要考慮治療可能的副作用、您的整體健康狀況,以及治癒疾病、延長生...
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