Colorectal cancer, also referred to as Colon Cancer, is a form of cancer that develops when cells in the rectum of colon grow out of control. Colorectal Cancer is the 3rd most common form of cancer, making up 10 percent of all cancer cases worldwide. The lifetime risk of developing this cancer is 1 out of 23 for men, and 1 out of 25 for women.
Symptoms of Colorectal Cancer:
● A change in bowel habits (diarrhea, constipation, unusual sensations in your bowels)
● Blood in your stool, which can be bright red or dark red
● Abdominal pains, cramps, or aches that persist
● Unexplained weight loss (Common symptom for all types of cancers)
Preventative measures:
● Getting regular screenings
● Maintaining a healthy diet
● Increasing physical activity
● Limiting alcohol and tobacco consumption
● Maintain a healthy weight
These preventative measures also apply to all the other forms of cancers. By being healthy alone, you will prevent 30-40% of cancers.