As the name says, this kind of cancer happens in people’s stomachs. There are four kinds of morphology of the naked eye:
Bulging type: The tumor is polyp-like or umbrella-shaped
Penetrating type: The tumor boundary is clear.
Disseminated type: The tumor spreads along the surface of the mucuous membrane or infiltrates the wall.
Mixed-type: With the characteristics of the types above, this type appears the largest number in this kind of cancer.
Every type of cancer has different stages, the most common stages are: Early and Late. 每個癌症都會分為3個階段,最常見的說法是:早期和晚期。
Early stage:
Normally, the early stage in most cancers is the hardest stage to discover if one has cancer or not. In adeneocarcinome of the stomach, clients usually have no clinical symptoms, but only some small, hidden symptoms, such as pain and discomfort in the upper abdomen, nausea, belching. These symptoms can often occur in normal diseases, namely chronic gastritis, functional digestion or even normal people.
Late stage:
The late symptoms of adenocarcinoma are often more obvious, mainly including extensive and spread symptoms. Hoarseness, which is a common symptom of advanced adenocarcinoma, is caused by the continuous enlargement of the tumor and the compression of the laryngeal return nerve. Fever is another common symptom of this cancer. The invasion of the tumor will cause bronchial obstruction, lumen pressure or other phenomena, which can cause inflammatory fever symptoms.
Certain causes:
Diet: Exessive salt intake increased the risk of stomach cancer. Long-term intake of high salt can erode and damage the gastric mucosa, leading to chronic gastritis. In more severe cases, it will lead to adenocarcinome of the stomach.
Smoking and drinking: The risk of stomach cancer increases by 5 times. People who smoke every day hava an 88% increase in risk of developing stomach cancer.
The number of men suffering from stomach cancer is twice that of women.
IMPORTANT: The information provided in this blog is for educational purposes only and is not intended as medical advice. Always consult a healthcare professional for medical diagnosis and treatment.